Create Bizzfo Account
A quick introduction to Bizzfo Account Creation and Hive Set-up
The purpose of this guide is to help the user create a Bizzfo Account and also to link a terminal to the Hive.
Account creation allows for:
- System activation management
- Syncing data to Bizzfo Hive
- Allow system to backup data to Bizzfo Hive
Bizzfo Sign In
Open Bizzfo and go to Hive Screen
On the Hive screen go to Sign in
Click on register
Complete details as shown my register screen
Upon clicking registration a welcome e mail will be sent with a link to activate your account.
Once the account is activated continue to sign in page by clicking on Sign In.
Create Hive Link
Go to program options and sync your terminal with the Hive Datawarehouse.
Test Hive Backup
Status of backup is displayed bottom left of the screen.
- Busy sending data to the Hive...
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