A quick introduction to understanding Bizzfo Cashup

The purpose of the cashup screen is to provide totals for a given shift and also a manage shifts per Till point.

CDrawer02 can be seen as the Till point name or as a cash drawer name. In other words in a store with 3 till points serving customers the setup will be as follows:

  • CDrawer01 - Till point 1
  • CDrawer02 - Till point 2
  • CDrawer03 - Till point 3

Setting till points

Each Till point can have multiple shifts.

Below is an example of Till point 2 totals for a given shift.

The cashup is split into 4 sections

Turnover and VAT

Shows totals for a selected shift

or a selected date

Turnover and breakdown

This section providers totals making up the turnover for set date or shift

Cash and float

This can be seen as the cash section of the cashup

- show cash on hand (calculated value considering change given from credit cards)

- allow for the counting of cash

- allow for the closing of the shift

- setting float

Payout totals

View payouts made for date or shift

Reopen previous cashup

Tip: double click to view previously closed shift.

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