A quick introduction to Bizzfo Specials


Bizzfo Specials can be used to:

  • Discount an item price from the normal retail price. (Happy Hour)
  • Or in case of liquor store, selling of items might be restricted to a certain time of day.

To view or setup a special, go to your inventory screen and click on the Specials tab.

Activating a special and setting special duration

Click the new button on Specials tab to open Special settings

To add a Happy Hour special click on the new button

Specials, when active can run

  • Daily, typical happy hour setting
  • For a given period, day and time
  • On specific days for a given time

** Use link category to restrict wine sales for a given time based on liquor license

Adding items to a special and setting the price.

Use mouse right click to Add or Edit selected item

Set the special retail price - only active as per special settings

Adjust the cost if required

When done, click on view to filter items for special

Tip: special column can be dragged next to Retail Price. Be sure to save column order under Products File Menu

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